Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween this year was fun, not to mention very successful. My office had a costume contest and I won with my impressive take on Smurfette. Do you remember the Smurfs? That was one of my very favorite cartoons growing up, but there are few little kids these days who even know who they are. Anyway, the prize was a $50.00 gift certificate to the restaurant of my choice (of course, I have to consult with Cameron on that one since he will be my date). And every person that dressed up received two movie tickets. All my preperation paid off (and it was FUN!).

Cameron is an AMAZING pumpkin carver and created some pretty awesome masterpieces this year. We are big fans of the TV show The Offfice, so he carved Dwight Schrute into a pumpkin. He also did all three members of the First Presidency. That one pretty much blew everyone away! He also carved some of our favorite characters from some hit movies of this year. The Hulk and the Joker. I'm pretty sure that we'll always have the coolest pumpkins on the block:)


Alli said...

You will definitely always have the coolest pumpkins in the whole city. I bet a lot of people would love to give Cameron some $$$$ to make them some cool pumpkins.

cdy said...

Hey Summer its Aunt Carol. Heck ya I remember the Smurfs. One of my favorite shows. You look pretty cool. As for the pumpkins, holy moly they are awesome. Way to go Summers Hubby.

Julie Letner said...

One time my 12 year old neice had blue Kool Aid all over her hands and I told her she looked like a smurf. She said, "what's that?" That is the moment I realized I was getting old. Is that paint on your face. So cute. I love the pumpkins!! Did you have a stencil? Amazing.-Julie

Fisk Family said...

Hey Summer,

Those are some cool pumpkins. You need to get down here so you can help us next year:) He is growing quickly. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

CGray said...

Hey Summer,

I found you through Rachel's blog. I hope that's okay. I just have to say that I loved your Halloween costume. I had Papa Smurf glasses when I was two. And wow your husband is pretty talented with those pumpkins.

Take care,

christi cluff gray